Treasury discount paper 12M

Treasury discount paper 12 month

Issuance data

Issuer Federal Republic of Germany
Maturity segment 12 month
Issuance volume 13,000,000,000 €
Issuance currency
Issuance date 20.11.2023
Maturity 20.11.2024
Smallest tradable unit 0.01 €
Stock-market listing no
Eligibility for security gilt-edged
Terms of issue Download (PDF)

Coupon data

Payable no interest payment
Interest calculation actual/360

Price and yield data are Deutsche Bundesbank reference prices.

Date Type Lowest accepted price Average price Average yield Bid/Cover ratio
20.11.2023 New Issue 96.51609 96.5208 3.565% 1.6
04.12.2023 Reopening 96.86859 96.87761 3.3151% 1.7
12.02.2024 Reopening 97.37572 97.37724 3.4629% 2.2
06.05.2024 Reopening 98.11697 98.11742 3.5242% 2.8
24.06.2024 Reopening 98.63862 98.64104 3.3739% 1.4
12.08.2024 Reopening 99.10699 99.1097 3.2999% 1.1

Price and yield data are Deutsche Bundesbank reference prices.

Date Type Volume Bids Competitive bids Non-competitive bids Allotted volume Retention quote
20.11.2023 New Issue 3,000 € mn 4,020 € mn 1,810 € mn 2,210 € mn 2,555 € mn 445 € mn
04.12.2023 Reopening 2,000 € mn 2,325 € mn 1,305 € mn 1,020 € mn 1,370 € mn 630 € mn
12.02.2024 Reopening 2,000 € mn 3,705 € mn 2,235 € mn 1,470 € mn 1,710 € mn 290 € mn
06.05.2024 Reopening 2,000 € mn 4,955 € mn 3,865 € mn 1,090 € mn 1,765 € mn 235 € mn
24.06.2024 Reopening 2,000 € mn 2,545 € mn 1,135 € mn 1,410 € mn 1,850 € mn 150 € mn
12.08.2024 Reopening 2,000 € mn 1,515 € mn 860 € mn 655 € mn 1,415 € mn 585 € mn