The German Federal government has been issuing green bonds since 2020 and has established a green yield curve for the euro area. The concept of twin bonds makes the value of green investments visible to investors. In this way, the German government is supporting the market for green financial products. Reporting on the green Federal securities also ensures transparency regarding the green expenditures of the Federal budget allocated to them.

Currently Outstanding green Federal Securities

Bond Maturity Coupon Outstanding Last Issuance ISIN
2023 (2053) Bund/g 15.08.2053 1.80% 11,000 € mn 25.02.2025 DE0001030757
2023 (2033) Bund/g 15.02.2033 2.30% 11,000 € mn 21.01.2025 DE000BU3Z005
2021 (2050) Bund/g 15.08.2050 0.00% 12,750 € mn 10.09.2024 DE0001030724
2021 (2031) Bund/g 15.08.2031 0.00% 9,000 € mn 02.11.2022 DE0001030732
2020 (2030) Bund/g 15.08.2030 0.00% 10,000 € mn 02.07.2024 DE0001030708
Bobl/g 10.10.2025 0.00% 8,500 € mn 26.03.2024 DE0001030716
Bobl/g 15.10.2027 1.30% 9,000 € mn 23.01.2024 DE0001030740
Bobl/g 12.04.2029 2.10% 5,500 € mn 21.01.2025 DE000BU35025
Targets and Framework

What is the purpose of green Federal securities?

Use of Proceeds

Green expenditures and reporting

Twin Bond Concept

Special features of the twin bond concept


Issuance results and schedule

Outstanding Bonds

Outstanding green Federal Securities


Trading activities with green Federal securities


Global Capital Bond Awards 2023: "Most Impressive Government ESG Bond Issuer"

Climate Bonds Initiative: "Largest Green Sovereign Bond 2022"
awarded for the 1.30 % Green Federal Bond, issuance volume € 5 bn

Global Capital Bond Awards 2021: "Most Impressive Government Green/SRI Bond Issuer"

Global Capital and Environmental Finance: "Green Bond of the Year 2020"
Climate Bonds Initiative: "Largest Green Sovereign Bond 2020"
International Financing Review: "Euro Bond" & "Sustainable Bond of the Year 2020"
awarded for the 0.00% Green Federal Bond 2020 (2030), issuance volume € 6.5 bn

Auszeichnung Green Bond of the Year 2020 (Global Capital)
Auszeichnung Green Bond of the Year 2020 (Environmental Finance)
Auszeichnung für Largest Green Sovereign Bond 2020 (Climate Bonds Initiative)
Auszeichnung Euro Bond & Sustainable Bond of the Year 2020 (IFR)

Understanding Green Federal Securities