2.40 % Federal note - series 188

Federal note
Price (02.07.2024)
99.22 +0.01%
Yield (02.07.2024)
2.59% +0.00 PP
Current Price
52 week highs 102.39
52 week lows 97.85
Price incl. accrued interest 101.747
Accrued interest 2.53
Current Yield
0.00 PP
52 week highs 2.86%
52 week lows 1.87%

Issuance data

Issuer Federal Republic of Germany
Maturity segment 5 years
Issuance volume 29,500,000,000 €
Issuance currency
Issuance date 13.06.2023
Maturity 19.10.2028
Smallest tradable unit 0.01 €
Stock-market listing yes
Eligibility for security gilt-edged
Terms of issue Download (PDF)

Coupon data

Coupon in % 2.40
Payable annually
Interest calculated from 15. June 2023
First interest payment 19. October 2024
Interest calculation actual/actual (ICMA)

Price and yield data are Deutsche Bundesbank reference prices.

Date Type Lowest accepted price Average price Average yield Bid/Cover ratio
13.06.2023 New Issue 99.91 99.92 2.41% 1.7
11.07.2023 Reopening 98.45 98.46 2.71% 1.9
08.08.2023 Reopening 99.51 99.51 2.50% 2.3
29.08.2023 Reopening 99.20 99.21 2.56% 2.1
26.09.2023 Reopening 98.29 98.29 2.76% 2.0
24.10.2023 Reopening 98.55 98.55 2.71% 2.0
21.11.2023 Reopening 99.26 99.26 2.56% 2.1

Price and yield data are Deutsche Bundesbank reference prices.

Date Type Volume Bids Competitive bids Non-competitive bids Allotted volume Retention quote
13.06.2023 New Issue 5,000 € mn 6,643 € mn 2,475 € mn 4,168 € mn 3,992.6 € mn 1,007.4 € mn
11.07.2023 Reopening 5,000 € mn 7,239 € mn 1,331 € mn 5,908 € mn 3,823.4 € mn 1,176.6 € mn
08.08.2023 Reopening 4,000 € mn 7,686 € mn 3,030 € mn 4,656 € mn 3,371.8 € mn 628.2 € mn
29.08.2023 Reopening 4,000 € mn 7,228 € mn 1,820 € mn 5,408 € mn 3,393.6 € mn 606.4 € mn
26.09.2023 Reopening 4,000 € mn 6,630 € mn 1,530 € mn 5,100 € mn 3,250 € mn 750 € mn
24.10.2023 Reopening 4,000 € mn 6,454 € mn 1,955 € mn 4,499 € mn 3,261.95 € mn 738.05 € mn
21.11.2023 Reopening 3,500 € mn 5,867 € mn 1,137 € mn 4,730 € mn 2,829.7 € mn 670.3 € mn