Press Releases

Use the search filter to choose between press releases on the issuance calendar and the Finance Agency as well as FMS and WSF or the press notices on individual Federal security issues.

Found entries (930)

  • Press notice

    Reopening of two Federal bonds - Auction result -

    15. February 2023
  • Press notice

    Invitation to bid Reopening of two Federal bonds

    14. February 2023
  • Press notice

    Announcement of auction Reopening 10-year Federal bond

    14. February 2023
  • Press notice

    Reopening Treasury discount paper of the Federal Republic of Germany (“Bubills”) - Auction result

    13. February 2023
    Reopening Treasury discount paper of the Federal Republic of Germany (“Bubills”) - Auction result
  • Press notice

    Auction announcement Reopening of five-year Federal notes (Bundesobligationen – “Bobls”) series 187 by auction

    13. February 2023
  • Press notice

    Auction announcement Treasury discount paper (Unverzinsliche Schatzanweisungen – “Bubills”) of the Federal Republic of Germany

    10. February 2023
  • Press notice

    Invitation to bid Reopening Treasury discount paper of the Federal Republic of Germany (Unverzinsliche Schatzanweisungen – “Bubills”)

    10. February 2023
  • Press notice

    Reopening Federal bond issue – Auction result

    08. February 2023
  • Press notice

    Reopening of two inflation-linked bonds of the Federal Republic of Germany - Auction result -

    07. February 2023
    Reopening of two inflation-linked bonds of the Federal Republic of Germany - Auction result -
  • Press notice

    Invitation to bid by auction Reopening 7-year Federal bond

    07. February 2023