Press Releases

Use the search filter to choose between press releases on the issuance calendar and the Finance Agency as well as FMS and WSF or the press notices on individual Federal security issues.

Found entries (217)

  • Press release

    Issuance Outlook of the German Federal Government Annual Preview and First Quarter 2011

    16. December 2010

    The annual preview contains one-off issues with a total volume of € 302 billion, which will serve to finance the Federal Government budget and the special funds of the Federal Government in 2011.

  • Press release

    Bund Issues Auction Group

    15. December 2010

    A total of 73 issues of the Federal Government (Federal Bonds, five-year Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes, Treasury discount paper and inflation-linked German Government Securities) have been placed by auction via the Auction Group Bund Issues i…

  • Press release

    „Weniger Risiko bei begrenzten Renditeabschlägen“ Studie belegt Erfolg der Beimischung von Bundeswertpapieren

    11. October 2010

    „Weniger Risiko bei begrenzten Renditeabschlägen! Für Privatanleger hätte sich die Beimischung von Bundeswertpapieren im Rahmen einer ausgewogenen Vermögensstruktur in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten gelohnt“, so Dr. Carl Heinz Daube, Geschäftsführer der…

  • Press release

    Schuldenmanagement „aus einer Hand“ Finanzagentur des Bundes feiert 10jähriges Bestehen

    28. September 2010

    Mit einem zentralen Festakt begeht die Finanzagentur des Bundes heute ihr zehnjähriges Bestehen.

  • Press release

    Issues planned by the Federal Government in the 4th quarter of 2010

    23. September 2010

    In the 4th quarter 2010 the Federal Government intends to cut its issuance compared to the initial plans published in December 2009.

  • Press release

    Auction Group Bund Issues

    01. September 2010

    Royal Bank of Canada Europe Limited entered the Auction Group Bund Issues.

  • Press release

    Issues planned by the Federal Government in the 3rd quarter of 2010

    24. June 2010

    In the 3rd quarter of 2010 the Bund is aiming to cut its issuance compared to the initial plans published in December 2009.

  • Press release

    Auction Group Bund Issues

    05. May 2010

    Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. (BBVA) entered the Auction Group Bund Issues.

  • Press release

    Auction Group Bund Issues

    23. April 2010

    Scotiabank Europe plc entered the Auction Group Bund Issues. So it will participate in the Bund auctions.

  • Press release

    Auction Group Bund Issues

    06. April 2010

    Bankhaus Lampe KG entered the Auction Group Bund Issues.
