Press Releases

Use the search filter to choose between press releases on the issuance calendar and the Finance Agency as well as FMS and WSF or the press notices on individual Federal security issues.

Found entries (217)

  • Press release

    Auction Group Bund Issues

    19. December 2005

    A total of 34 issues of the Federal Government (Federal Bonds, five-year Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes and Treasury discount paper) have been placed by auction via the “Auction Group Bund Issues” in 2005.

  • Press release

    Issuance calendar of the Federal Government Overview for the year 2006 and detailed data for the first quarter

    15. December 2005

    For the financing of the Federal Budget in 2006, a volume of € 230 billion in one-off issues is planned.

  • Press release

    Issues planned by the Federal Government in the fourth quarter of 2005

    20. September 2005

    The Federal Government intends to launch the following issues in the fourth quarter of 2005 for the funding of the Federal budget:

  • Press release

    Issues planned by the Federal Government in the third quarter of 2005

    23. June 2005

    The issuance calendar for the third quarter 2005 differs from the published overview for the issuance plans in 2005 as follows:

  • Press release

    Reopening of German Federal securities EU Directive on taxation of savings income

    17. June 2005

    The EU Directive on taxation of savings income is expected to become effective from 1 July 2005 onwards.

  • Press release

    Issues planned by the Federal Government in the second quarter of 2005

    22. March 2005

    From the second quarter onwards the auctions for the funding instruments of the Federal Republic of Germany will be conducted on the new auction platform Bund Bidding System (BBS).

  • Press release

    Auction Group Bund Issues

    01. February 2005

    Hesse Newman & Co. (AG & Co.) Kommanditgesellschaft has resigned from the Auction Group Bund Issues as of the end of 2004.

  • Press release

    Auction Group Bund Issues

    16. December 2004

    A total of 34 issues of the Federal Government (Federal Bonds, five-year Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes and Treasury discount paper) have been placed by auction via the "Auction Group Bund Issues" in 2004.

  • Press release

    Issuance calendar of the Federal German Government Overview for the year 2005 and detailed data for the first quarter

    15. December 2004

    For the financing of the Federal budget an issuance volume of € 213 billion is planned.

  • Press release

    Issues planned by the Federal Government in the fourth quarter of 2004

    21. September 2004

    The issuance calendar for the fourth quarter 2004 differs from the published overview for the issuance plans in 2004 as follows:
