Press Releases

Use the search filter to choose between press releases on the issuance calendar and the Finance Agency as well as FMS and WSF or the press notices on individual Federal security issues.

Found entries (209)

  • Press release

    Characteristics of the new 30-year Federal bond

    05. September 2022

    As announced in the annual preview in December 2021, the federal government will issue a new 30-year Federal bond in October 2022. Due to the importance of Federal securities for Eurex futures contracts, key characteristics of this bond are already p…

  • Press release

    WSF veräußert einen Teil der Aktienbeteiligung an der Lufthansa

    27. July 2022

    Meldepflichtige Unterschreitung der Beteiligungshöhe von 10 %.

  • Press release

    Jahresabschluss 2021 des Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfonds (WSF)

    06. July 2022

    Der WSF schließt mit einem Jahresüberschuss in Höhe von 104,1 Mio. Euro ab. Der Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfonds (WSF) wurde im März 2020 von der Bundesregierung ins Leben gerufen, um den wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemi…

  • Press release

    Ranking list of the Bund Issues Auction Group first half of 2022

    29. June 2022

    In the first half of 2022 Federal securities (Federal bonds, Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes, Treasury discount paper and inflation-linked Federal securities and Green Bonds) were issued in 60 auctions via the Bund Issues Auction Group.

  • Press release

    Jahresabschluss 2021 des Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds (FMS)

    24. June 2022

    Der im Zuge der Finanzmarktkrise im Jahr 2008 geschaffene Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds (FMS) schließt das Geschäftsjahr 2021 mit einem Jahresüberschuss in Höhe von 529,8 Mio. Euro ab.

  • Press release

    Issues planned by the federal government in the third quarter of 2022

    21. June 2022

    The federal government's issuance plan for the third quarter of 2022 is adjusted as follows compared to the annual forecast published in December 2021:

  • Press release

    HRE schließt Vergleich mit Anlegern

    01. June 2022

    Die Hypo Real Estate Holding GmbH (HRE) hat am 31. Mai 2022 mit dem Musterkläger Christian Wefers, der von der Rechtsanwaltskanzler TILP vertreten wird, Vergleiche geschlossen.

  • Press release

    Reopening of the 30-year Green Federal bond 2021 (2050) and of the conventional Federal bond 2019 (2050)

    01. June 2022

    Today, the Federal Government has reopened a 30-year Green Federal bond via syndicate. The Green Federal bond has a coupon of 0.00% and will mature on 15 August 2050.

  • Press release

    Issues planned by the federal government in the second quarter of 2022

    23. March 2022

    The federal government's issuance plan for the second quarter of 2022 remains unchanged compared to the annual forecast published in December 2021.

  • Press release

    Increase of a Federal Treasury note into the federal government’s own holdings

    03. March 2022

    With effect from 3 March 2022, the federal government will increase the volume of the 0% Federal Treasury note maturing in March 2024 (ISIN DE0001104875) by €2.5 billion to €8.5 billion. This reopening will be made to the federal government's own hol…
