Found entries (217)
Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the second quarter of 2019
21. March 2019The issues planned by the Federal Government as indicated in the annual preview published in December 2018 remain unchanged for the second quarter of 2019
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Press release
Tagesanleihe des Bundes wird eingestellt
12. March 2019Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Finanzagentur GmbH stellt die Tagesanleihe des Bundes zum Jahresende 2019 vollständig ein.
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Press release
German Federal Government debt issuance outlook 2019
18. December 2018The German Federal Government intends to issue fixed income Government securities with an aggregate volume of € 199 billion in 2019, comprising € 156 billion on the capital markets and € 43 billion in money market instruments, to finance the Federal…
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Press release
Ranking list of the Bund Issues Auction Group
12. December 2018In 2018 Federal Government securities (Federal bonds, Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes, Treasury discount paper and inflation-linked bonds) were issued in 71 auctions via the Bund Issues Auction Group.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the fourth quarter of 2018
20. September 2018Funding requirements of the Federal Budget and its special funds have decreased since the beginning of the year.
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Press release
Ranking of the Bund Issues Auction Group
25. June 2018In the first half of 2018 Federal Government securities (Federal bonds, Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes, Treasury discount paper and inflation-linked bonds) were issued in 36 auctions via the Bund Issues Auction Group.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the third quarter of 2018
21. June 2018Funding requirements of the Federal Budget and its special funds have decreased since the beginning of the year.
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Press release
Jahresabschluss 2017 des Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds (FMS)
23. May 2018Der im Zuge der Finanzmarktkrise im Jahr 2008 geschaffene Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds (FMS), der bis zum 31. Dezember 2017 von der Bundesanstalt für Finanzmarktstabilisierung (FMSA) verwaltet wurde und seit dem 01. Januar 2018 aufgrund des FMS…
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Press release
Bund platziert erfolgreich Aktienpaket der pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
16. May 2018Am heutigen Morgen platzierte der von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Finanzagentur GmbH als Sondervermögen des Bundes verwaltete Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds (FMS) den Großteil seiner indirekten 20-prozentigen Beteiligung an der pbb.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the second quarter of 2018
22. March 2018Funding requirements of the Federal Budget and its special funds have decreased since the beginning of the year.