Found entries (217)
Press release
Issues planned by the Federal government in the third quarter of 2020 – inaugural issuance of a Green Federal bond
29. June 2020The financing requirements of the Federal government and its special funds have increased significantly as a result of the corona support programmes and the measures to support the economy.
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Press release
Jahresabschluss 2019 des Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds (FMS)
19. June 2020Der FMS schließt 2019 mit einem Fehlbetrag von 470,4 Mio. Euro ab.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal government in the second quarter of 2020 -Increase for the benefit of corona support programmes
07. April 2020The support programmes in the German Federal government's package of measures to cope with the coronavirus pandemic have got off to a rapid and successful start.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the second quarter of 2020 and reopening of outstanding Federal bonds
23. March 2020Funding requirements of the Federal Budget will increase in 2020 compared to the initial plans published in December 2019.
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Press release
German Federal Government debt issuance outlook 2020
19. December 2019The German Federal Government intends to issue fixed income Government securities with an aggregate volume of € 210 billion in 2020 to finance the Federal Government budget and its special funds.
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Press release
Ranking list of the Bund Issues Auction Group
11. December 2019In 2019 Federal Government securities (Federal bonds, Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes, Treasury discount paper and inflation-linked bonds) were issued in 77 auctions via the Bund Issues Auction Group.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the fourth quarter of 2019
19. September 2019Funding requirements of the Federal Budget and its special funds have decreased since the beginning of the year.
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Press release
Jahresabschluss 2018 des Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds (FMS)
01. July 2019Der im Zuge der Finanzmarktkrise im Jahr 2008 geschaffene Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds (FMS), der bis zum 31. Dezember 2017 von der Bundesanstalt für Finanzmarktstabilisierung (FMSA) verwaltet wurde und seit dem 1. Januar 2018 aufgrund des FMSA-Ne…
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Press release
Ranking of the Bund Issues Auction Group
26. June 2019In the first half of 2019 Federal Government securities (Federal bonds, Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes, Treasury discount paper and inflation-linked bonds) were issued in 40 auctions via the Bund Issues Auction Group.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the third quarter of 2019
21. June 2019Funding requirements of the Federal Budget and its special funds have decreased since the beginning of the year.